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Production Process

  • Raw materials used to produce quicklime are rocks rich in calcium carbonate minerals, mainly limestone. There are also some other types such as coral stone, dolomite rock (clay content less than 6%).
  • Limestone turned into lime (lime, or burned lime) is fired in a kiln. The chemical produced is calcium oxide (CaO).
  • CaCO3 + heating --> CaO + CO2
  • The process involves further adding water in a process known as humidification, which produces hydrated, or slaked lime. Lime is less caustic than lime, therefore easier to handle, but less effective per unit weight than lime, and therefore less economical. CaO + H2O --> Ca(OH)2
Lime is commonly used in two forms: ripe lime and quicklime powder.

 I/ Ripe lime

  • Ripe lime is lime that is tempered (ie, quicklime is added to the water): CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2 + Q
  • The reaction gives off a lot of heat, the water boils, if not careful, it can cause severe burns. The smoke is white due to the presence of calcium hydroxide particles.
  • Depending on the amount of water taken away to slake the lime, people are divided into 3 types of ripe lime:
    • Ripe lime powder: The amount of water used is equivalent to 70% of the mass of lime because the water is evaporated due to the heat generated from the reaction. The volumetric weight of lime powder ranges from 400-450 kg/m3.
    • puree lime: The amount of water used is more than 70% of the mass of lime. Then the product formed is a slurry in which calcium hydroxide accounts for about 50%, the rest is water. The volumetric weight of lime puree ranges from 1200-1400kg/m3.
    • milk lime: The amount of water used is greater than the amount of water used for lime puree. Then the product formed is a slurry in which calcium hydroxide accounts for less than 50%, the rest is water.

II/ Quicklime: lumps and powders

           To produce quicklime powder, lime lumps are ground to a fine powder. They are then stored in sealed bags and used like cement.

IV.Application :

1. Use crushed limestone in coal mines to reduce coal dust, thus reducing the risk of explosion.

2.Agriculture: lime fertilizer increases efficiency. When the soil is acidic, it is necessary to raise the pH of the soil, raise the calcium and magnesium content, promote microbial activity, and increase the rate of release from the soil of organic matter and nutrient elements.

3.Industrial aluminum: Lime helps to remove silica from bauxite ore while producing alumina. Used in the production of chemicals such as calcium carbide, propylene oxide, sodium carbonate and glycerine, lime is also a reactant in the production of calcium compounds and used to adjust pH when needed.

4. Construction industry: Lime is used in the production of siliceous lime bricks, insulation and building materials. Lime is also used in mortar for laying bricks and making walls. In addition, lime is also added to concrete and mortar to improve construction performance.

5. Food industry: lime reacts with raw sugar water for the production of both beet and sugar cane. Lime is an ingredient in baking soda and helps keep fruits and vegetables fresh.

6.Industrial wastewater treatment: Lime neutralizes acids that create waste in industry thereby hindering corrosion and protecting the natural environment. Lime also removes silicon, manganese, fluoride, iron and other substances. other impurities in the water.

  • In wastewater treatment plants (including industrial and urban wastewater). Lime is widely used in pH adjustment in acidic wastewater that agglomerate heavy metals and phosphates.
  • Lime is commonly used in the treatment of industrial residues, dredged waste from sewers, and municipal waste treatment before being reused in agriculture or burned into ash.
  • Lime helps to coagulate waste easier in transportation, prevents fermentation, deodorizes, removes pathogens. Lime also adds calcium and magnesium, both of which are very beneficial when waste is reused in agriculture.
  • In addition, lime is also used to treat soils contaminated with hydrocarbons

In Liquid Waste Treatment:

  • Lime slurry is used to treat liquid waste to remove colloids, increase the size of impurities and increase the dry matter content of it. This makes waste filtration easier and improves the durability of the water separator.
  • Usually lime is applied where pressure filtration equipment is used. However, the use of lime makes it possible to clean the pathogens by increasing the pH of the waste, preventing fermentation, so the odors are also eliminated.

7. Industrial metal mining: Lime is also used in metal mining such as copper, mercury, zinc, nickel, gold, lead and silver.

8. Paper production:

  • Manufacturers use lime to recover caustic soda during the conversion of wood chips to pulp. Removes lime pulp and also dissolves the non-cellulose component from the straw and decomposes it fibrous during the production of strawboard and dough stuffing.
  • In the paper industry, lime is often used to regenerate caustic soda from excess sodium carbonate from the pulp making process. Quicklime is tempered to create an additive that increases whiteness, improves the surface as well as reduces transparency. In paper mills, lime is used to soften water
9. Pollution control: Lime and limestone are used to absorb sulfur dioxide from exhaust gases in smelters and power generation plants.
  • Lime is used in exhaust gas treatment processes, which significantly reduces air pollution levels.
  • The increased demand for electricity leads to increased burning of fossil fuels. These fuels contain a lot of sulphur and are released directly into the atmosphere, which is the main cause of acid rain, which kills trees, drains ponds and lakes, and destroys the environment.
  • Lime is used in exhaust gas treatment processes, which significantly reduces air pollution levels.

 10. Wastewater treatment: Lime reduces pollution by removing organics, phosphates and nitrogen from wastewater. It prevents on vegetation in streams and lakes, controls odors from waste ponds and heavy metal precipitation.

  • Lime plays an important role in the treatment of wastewater, low cost and high efficiency. Quicklime or hydrated lime can clean acidic wastewater and other industrial processing wastes. In addition, lime also eliminates odors
  • Lime ensures the removal of many dangerous substances from organic waste, removing heavy metals, pathogens, bacteria and odors.
    • Increasing the pH in wastewater causes heavy metals to precipitate in the form of hydroxides.
    • Precipitates phosphates and sulphates in wastewater as well as heavy metals in insoluble salts such as Ca3(PO4)2, CaSO4 which are easily obtained.
    • Neutralizes colloids in water and concentrates impurities, acting as a coagulant to which metal salts or the like are added.

 11. Non-ferrous metal industry:

  • Lime is often used in the selection of sulfide ores to help easily obtain the required metal. This application is deployed in the lead, gold, nickel, zinc and copper mining industries.
  • Lime has the ability to increase and control the pH in solutions of cyanide in gold and silver. Thanks to the ability to adjust the pH, lime plays the role of maintaining the cyanide solution in liquid form, avoiding the cyanide from forming gas and escaping into the environment.
  • During agglomeration, crushed limestone with low sulfur content and alkalinity is used together with powdered lime to sinter iron ore.
  • Lime is used as a flux for steel purging and removing, sulfur and silicon phosphorus impurities.
  • Lime lubricates the steel bars as they are drawn through the die to form the wire. Forming a coating, lime prevents the workpiece from adhering to the molds during the casting process. Acid neutralizer lime for steel products
12. Lime removes hair and plump skin in preparation for tanning.

13. Water treatment:
  • Lime supplies industrial water, clean, including drinking water for cities and process water used in industry.. It softens water by removing bicarbonate hardness and disinfects against bacteria. bacteria.
  • Water treatment: In the treatment of water and drinking water, lime is used to adjust the pH and purify the water.
  • In clean water treatment products, lime is a highly cost-effective substance, lime reduces water hardness by precipitating substances containing acidic carbonates and removing them.
  • Drinking water needs to be pure. Lime plays a very important role in water purification, helping to remove organic impurities and metal-containing components. domestic.
  • Dilute lime helps to soften and add minerals to drinking water.
  • Mineral Supplement :
  • When the water is too soft (too acidic), lime will act as a reducing agent, removing the carbonic acid in the water, converting it to calcium as shown in the chemical reaction below:

   H2O+Ca(OH)2limemilk+ 2O2-> Ca(HCO3)2 dissolved + H2O

  • Decarbonization: When water is too hard, it will produce scale, lime will play the role of separating carbon according to the following chemical reaction:

Ca(OH)2 lime milk + Ca(HCO3)2 dissolved-> 2CaCO3 insoluble + 2 H2O

  • pH Adjustment:
  • Lime is more effective than other alkaline products in producing clean water extracted from underground.
  • The use of lime to adjust the pH of water is also the most important effect of lime.
  • Water Treatment: Today, many industries use soft water to cool working systems and boilers, prevent scale...
  • Most water treatment techniques use dilute lime. Precipitating acidic carbonate components in water, the water softening method will help prevent scale deposition highly efficiently and economically.

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